Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


The aid of this section is to give the user the most up to date information possible. Virtus Precision LTD will not be held responsible for any injury or damages that might be caused as a result of any of the information used by the customers.

  • How do I know the bullet performance will remain consistent?

Virtus Precision LTD pride ourself in attention to detail and quality. This is achieved through years of experience in multiple fields that is applicable to the product. Every projectile is made from 100% pure copper that is carefully selected from the same batch of material by getting the copper analysed to ensure quality control.

We will not supply a product to the market that has not been tested first. If you buy only fifty projectiles, you will find some time later that the same copper, dimensions, bearing surface, ogive and hardness of copper will be used. If we do change anything on the product, we will let the public know. Therefore, the customer can always expect the same results.

  • Do I need high impact velocities for the projectiles to function?

No. The Virtus Eagle and Merlin have been designed to function at very low impact velocities. For example, if you get an accuracy node for .308Win at 2700fps there should be no reason whatsoever to increase the muzzle velocity to aid expansion. Some customers are shooting the Eagle line of projectiles at muzzle velocities of as low as 2600FPS with great results in both accuracy and terminal performance.

This means that there will be less stress on your rifle barrel and equipment. The design of the Virtus projectiles mentioned above will also lower the risk of ricochet to the user making you safer when using the products. This projectile is designed to lose 40% of the initial weight so the petals will break off and the shank will stay together. Compared to the Merlin and Osprey design, the Eagle design will have the largest sized petals breaking off during the expansion process. The Virtus Merlin will lose approximately 12% of the initial weight and the Osprey design will only loose about 5% of the initial weight causing the least amount of meat damage.

The Virtus Osprey has been designed for more controlled expansion and it is not advised for users to use this projectile beyond 200m. It is popular in the calibres that will have muzzle velocities above 3000FPS without excessive expansion. Beyond 3200FPS the Virtus Osprey design will cause preform fantastic with little meat damage. The Osprey designed projectile is the preferred product if hunters are worried about excessive carcass damage and worried about the carcasses being condemned by game dealers.

  • Where do I find any load data?

There is a limited amount of current load data available. Virtus Precision LTD are not prepared to give specific data on the website as we will not be held responsible for any damages. However, we can advise a starting point for anyone.

The best form of getting load data is by using a programme called QuickLoad. It will have to be operated by a competent person to gain the data. The correct input of specific bullet dimensions and cartridge data is needed to gain accurate and safe load data. Look for a reliable propellant manufacturer that is readily available in your area.

To identify the best propellant, you should look for one that gives you a 100% case fill and 100% burn rate in the specific cartridge using safe loads. ALWAYS start at a lower load than maximum charge weight and increase the charge weight of the propellant, observing pressure signs until you reached the accuracy node during the load development phase.

Choosing a temperature stable propellent will also be helpful during your load development phase and it will also help with not moving outside an accuracy node and safety. As stated before, you are looking for an accurate load not necessarily that fastest load. Especially when using Virtus Merlin and Virtus Eagle projectiles. The most important aspect before you do any load development is to establish if you have the correct twist rate for the projectile to achieve the highest stability factor number above 1.5.

Using very high-quality brass like Lapua is also essential and it is advised to never mix your brass when doing any shooting or load development. Different brass manufactures could have different case thickness that could cause different pressures inside the case during ignition resulting in mixed results.

Make sure that before load development takes place with the Virtus Precision projectiles that you start with a clean barrel. Our barrel cleaning recommendation is mentioned below.

  • What about ballistic co-efficient (BC)?

Please refer to the write up that we did on this website to gain more understanding of ballistic co-efficient.

BC, when it starts to matter beyond 300m, will not change from one batch in the same weight and product design. The abbreviation, EST, stands for estimate and appears after every projectile that we have not verified the BC yet by using a complex method of ballistic calculations. If the BC appears with no EST behind the G7 BC number, signifies that it has been tested and verified to MACH 1.2 or 1340FPS taking all variables into account.

  • Will the BC change between batches?

No. For extreme long-range engagements like the King of 2 mile and military applications, ALL projectiles will have an extreme spread and standard deviation of the projectile’s ballistic co-efficient. This becomes extremely important for ultra-long-range shooting but it is NOT something ordinary shooters need to worry about.

As stated before, extreme attention to detail are present with the planning and production of the projectiles before testing and evaluating it.

  • Will the BC be different between the Virtus Merlin and Osprey designs from the same weight class?

No. The ogive and boat tail of the projectiles are exactly the same. The only difference is that the hairline slots to the centre column on the Merlin design is ever so slightly deeper. This causes a significantly different terminal performance outcome.

If the BCs are different you will only observe this with a high end doppler radar and it will be so small that it will have no significance whatsoever shooting at ethical hunting distances. Due to the larger cavity hole in the front of the Eagle design bullets, the BC are lower

  • What jump nodes seems to work best in the projectiles?

The jump nodes of between 40 -70 thousand of an inch off the lands measured from the base of the round to the ogive seems to be the best for accuracy node across the range of calibres when using Virtus projectiles.

Some accuracy nodes on some projectiles are found with limited jump of the projectile in the chamber. Zero bullet jump is not advised for these projectiles for several reasons.

  • How do I know if the twist rate of my rifle barrel will be suitable to stabilise a specific Virtus projectile?

Virtus Precision LTD did research on every calibre before creating a new projectile. After the correct twist rate has been established, we create a projectile from pure copper with high end machinery that will give us the specific stability factor number that we are after. All the twist rates are indicated on the website for each weight class of projectile and weight.

This stability factor number is a closely guarded secret in the company. This will gain accuracy needed for success and is different to what we know from normal lead bullet projectiles. Knowing this information will always put us ahead of our competitors. The stability factor will be above 1.5 for all projectiles that we sell if you follow our recommended twist rates on the website for the individual projectiles and calibres.

To establish the correct twist rate ask a competent gunsmith or contact your rifle manufacturer however this is important information to know.

  • What barrel cleaning do we recommend?

Barrel cleaning should only take place when needed. This will take place when you are experiencing inconsistent accuracy results or experiencing any pressure signs especially from shooting magnum calibres due to excessive barrel fouling. It is very important to also clean the possible carbon ring that will form in the chamber causing accuracy and pressure issues.

Every person will give you a different way of cleaning rifle barrels if you had to ask them. It is important to listen and adapt methods being employed by world class shooters or those who have years of experience and that knows the subject inside out.

At Virtus Precision LTD we recommend abrasive cleaning by using IOSSO or JB paste and we have had the best results using these products. We are not saying that chemical cleaning will not work – all we are saying is that you will get to the end state of a clean and smooth surface inside the barrel quicker with repeatable accurate results. The abrasive method of cleaning is also recommended by Applied Ballistics and it is especially important when using magnum calibres to remove carbon and copper effectively in a short period of time. A recommended cleaning method video will be released in the near future that is also used, endorsed and tested by the British MOD snipers.

  • Why are the majority of the Virtus Precision projectiles so light compared to the other lead-free projectile brands?

Virtus Precision projectiles are light due to the design being limited by the prevalent twist rates of the calibres in industry. As stated, before we seek to obtain a certain stability factor number to aid optimum accuracy. The terminal performance has been tested throughout in the last 18 months to achieve the best consistent results to date. The firearm manufacturing industry is slow to react to accommodate the monolithic projectile companies that need faster twist rates to stabilise their projectiles so Virtus Precision LTD had to adapt to the market to gain the best results.

  • What are the future projectiles that Virtus Precision LTD are working on for deerstalking and target shooting?

100GR 6mm projectiles for the .243Win that will stabilise in a 1:10 twist barrel. Depending on demand we could supply loaded ammunition as well.

More or less 60GR .224 Virtus Merlin projectile for the .223 Remington to stabilise in a 1:7 twist.

More or less 50GR .224 Virtus Eagle projectile for the .222 Remington and .22-250 Remington projectile that will stabilise in up to 1:14 twist rate for varminting purposes.

Heavier class 6.5mm projectile utilising the Target and Merlin design projectiles.

Heavier class 7mm Virtus Osprey design projectile for the 7mm PRC 1:8 twist.

30Cal 180GR Merlin projectile to stabilise in a 1:8 twist.

.375CAL projectile for ultra-long-range(ULR) engagements for target shooting competitions.

Virtus Precision LTD is constantly seeking for perfection and will adapt to the feedback of our customers by bringing in new improved designs of projectiles if need be.

Our motto, “unparalleled performance” is not only words but something we will always strive for and is achieved by the competence and perseverance of everyone working for the company…


All Virtus Precision designs are registered intlectual property and can not be legally copied.